Engineering innovation

Learn about the Texas A&M University College of Engineering's research. Our students discover how to innovate solutions to problems that affect us now. They also learn to prepare for solving tomorrow's problems.

Stories in Research

Our faculty and students conduct research that improves quality of life worldwide.

Global storage capacity

Using satellite data, researchers estimated the storage capacity of over 7,000 global reservoirs from 1999 to 2018 and discovered while the total capacity has increased, the filling rate is lower than expected.

An aerial photo of a large hydroelectric dam and reservoir in Brazil

Using AI to decarbonize buildings

Researchers are applying artificial intelligence techniques to design and operate energy-efficient district heat pump systems that serve human needs and behaviors while reducing the carbon footprint of buildings.

City skyline with the sun in the sky above.

Large potential in water-based batteries

Researchers discovered a groundbreaking 1,000% increase in the storage capacity of water-based battery electrodes. This research is a step toward lithium-free batteries, allowing for better control over the domestic supply chain.

An illustration of a metal-free, water-based battery and regular lithium-ion batteries

Research conducted by higher education has made a significant impact on our health, safety and quality of life, and has contributed to the economic growth and development of our country.

The College of Engineering — through its affiliation with the德州农工大学工程实验and with partnerships with industry and other institutions of higher education — is committed to helping keep our country competitive by conducting practical research to address world problems.

By theNumbers

625 industrial research sponsors (2023)
3rd in research expenditures in U.S. (2023)
1,933 students supported in research activities (2023)

Research Contact

Dr. Prabhaker Pagilla, associate dean for research
Phone:979-458-4829 |