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Transforming Engineering Education

The Zachry Engineering Education Complex (ZACH) is our modern, technology-integrated engineering education facility. The Zachry Engineering Education Complex is located at the intersection of University Drive and Bizzell Street on Texas A&M University's College Station campus. It opened in the fall of 2018.

Visit the Zachry Building Website

The Zachry Engineering Education Complex is thelargest academic building on campusand unlike any other facility in the nation. The 525,000-square-foot complex completely modernized the original Zachry Engineering Center and expanded the facility to include the state-of-the-artSuSu and Mark A. Fischer ’72 Engineering Design Center.

The complex is revolutionizing the way we deliver education to our undergraduate students. It features a student-centered design and modern learning techniques and technology.See the video above for a virtual tour.

Access Hours

Seecurrent building access informationon the Zachry building website.
