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The Texas A&M University College of Engineering has more than 20 degree options. With so many options, we don't ask you to decide on a major during the first year.

Instead, you'll follow a common general engineering curriculum. This curriculum helps you to get started while exploring all our degree options.

You will complete specific coursework required for the Entry to a Major (ETAM) process. You may complete this coursework as early as your second semester. After finishing the courses required for ETAM, you'll let us know which majors interest you.

How Entry to a Major Works

The Entry to a Major process uses a priority method that places you in your highest preferred major possible based on your academic performance, your ETAM application and the program’s capacity.

There’s also an automatic entry pathway to your first-choice major if you complete the required courses for Entry to a Major and maintain the required automatic entry cumulative GPA defined for your class.

During each ETAM cycle, all College of Engineering majors will accept applications (other than theBachelor of Arts in computing and the Bachelor of Science in technology managementdegree programs). On the ETAM application, you must apply to three majors and have the option to select up to five majors.

Double-check your major choices and rankings before submitting your ETAM application. You will not have the option to decline an offer to a major listed on your application.

Explore Engineering Career PathsCurrent Degree Programs

Prepare for Entry to a Major

Your academic advisors are here to guide you.You should consult with your assigned general engineering or engineering academy academic advisor. This will help to ensure that you are prepared to apply for your preferred majors.

Entry to a Major Requirements

See Entry to a Major requirements for your class below.

Find Your Class

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Coenrollment Programs

Please note:Enrollment in the Bachelor of Arts in computing program or the Bachelor of Science in technology management program occur(s) through 1) an approvedchange of major requestforcurrent students; or 2) official notification from theOffice of Admissionsfornew students.
